Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Local and Accountable

In today’s society, people are always on the go and do not have time to waste.  We’re constantly checking our phones for emails and updated status posts.  When we’re at home, we fast forward through the commercials on our DVR.  We’ve seemed to run out of time to talk to people on the phone.  We send text messages instead of calling people because our lives have become so busy and filled with family, work, meetings, extra activities that we can’t stand around waiting for someone to pick up and have a conversation with them. 

If you are a busy consumer and you call a business and you get an automated operator asking you to push buttons to get to an operator with your language choice, more than likely you’re not going to be very happy when someone finally does pick up.  Chances are, that person is going to be in another city with no sense of accountability towards your concerns.

At the MPS Group, we are local and accountable.  Any time you call us you’re never going to get an out of state representative.  When you talk to our personnel, you’re going to get the satisfaction we understand your time is valuable and we do not want to waste one minute of it.    The MPS Group will take each concern, no matter how small it may be, and hold ourselves accountable for service we’ve promised to uphold for you.

The bigger printer companies are easy to gravitate to. They’re big. They’re shiny.  They’re well known and have deep pockets for advertising to get your attention.   Yet, does the bigger printer company’s boss know your name?  Does the bigger printer company know you by anything more than an invoice going out every month?  When you have an issue with equipment, they send out “technicians” who are contracted by the company.  They aren’t actual employees of the bigger printer companies.   

Furthermore, even is a client calls one of the bigger printer company’s 800 number, which is usually out of state, that bigger printer company usually tasks out the MPS Group to handle their service calls.

Why not save your valuable time, call the MPS Group directly for your equipment service and repair.

At the MPS Group, we are local.  At the MPS Group, we are accountable. 

If you or a  business partner are currently looking into saving money with purchasing new equipment and would like more information on our products and services, please contact James Thomas at the MPS Group:

TELEPHONE: 210-344-0332
EMAIL: info@fixmyprinter.com

We look forward to doing business with you.


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